Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hannah' Hair Cut

So, I got really tired of Hannah looking like a street child with her mopy hair. She refuses to let me pull it up 90 % of the time. On Wednesday, we took her to Snip Its for her first hair cut. She did great until a little boy got into the barber's chair and started screaming. That's all it took. Hannah lost it.
I blew bubbles for her to pop, while she was getting her haircut. The hairdresser gave her a sucker, but nothing worked. Finally, about 5 minutes into the cut, Hannah calmed down, but she was not happy about it. I've added some pics from that day. The first pic with Steve was a "pre haircut picture." Notice how the picture go from "happy Hannh," to "I don't like you anymore, Mom," Hannah.


I find it a little wierd that one small appendage in your body can cause so many problems. And, to top it off, you don't even need a gallbladder to survive!
A few months ago, after our San Diego trip, I went to go see a gastroenerologist. I explained my problems with eating. He got me in for an upper G.I. as well as a CT scan of my abdomen. After both of those came back normal, he scheduled me for a HIDA scan. Sure enough, even though I dont have any gallstones, my gallbladder was only functioning at 5 %. So, they sent me to a surgeon to discuss having it removed.
I went to the surgeon Thursday. After discussing the pros and cons of having it removed. I decided to go with surgery. Much to my suprise, the only dates for surgery they had open were Saturday (yesterday) or the end of July. So, with Steve's support, I "bit the bullet" and had it Saturday. It's kind of thrown a wrench in everthing around here. I'll be off work this next week, and then hopefully be released to full duty.
The surgery went well. I don't remember anything after them telling me to breath into an oxygen mask. The next thing I remember was Steve standing next to me. I felt HORRIBLE when I woke up. They gave me some anti-nauseau medicine prior to surgery, but ended up giving me more before I left.
I slept on and off all day yesterday. The doctor gave me Percocet to take for pain. This morning, trying to be tough, I didn't take any. I thought, "hey I dont feel that bad." By eleven, I realized that I should probably take some meds. (I'm not that tough after all!:) )
Steve has been a life saver, taking care of me and Hannah. Hannah is pretty cranky because I can't pick her up and hold her right now. We did snuggle in bed this morning, which seemed to help her feel better.
So, anyway, that's the latest update. Just wanted to let everyone know, since I won't be around that much for the next week.

Hope everyone is doing well!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Springtime Fun

I just thought I would post some pics that I recently took with my camera phone. There are a few of Hannah and Steve giving eachother "tatoos." I know, I know, "Holy Cow!" Hannah saw Steve's tatoo ad decided she needed one. So, Steve being the great dad he is, broke out the non- toxic markers, and they proceeded to draw all over each other!
The pool pics are from this last week. It was finally warm (and humid) enough to break out a pool. My friend Becky and I got creative and used Hannah's play gym slide as a pool slide. The kids had a blast!
You'll also see pics of Hannah jamming out with my earphones, and trying her hand at a "big kid bike!" (Thanks Jacob!)
We hope everyone is doing well!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Our First Night Apart

So, a few weeks ago, Steve and I decided to go to a bed and breakfast overnight to celebrate our four year anniversary. We were excited, but really anxious. We had never spent a night away from Hannah.
Thankfully, my parents were sweet enough to have Hannah over to spend the night. It was her first sleep over at "Nanny and Papa's" and she was excited, to say the least. My parents have lots of farm animals. Hannah's favorite is their pig named "Amos." Hannah loves to talk about Amos.
So, we packed up her stuff, clothes, toys, medicine...anything I could think of in case something went wrong. And, off we went to Nanny's house. We dropped Hannah off quickly. I was afraid if we did not make a quick exit, she or I would change our minds, and the bed and breakfast for two, would turn into a room for three!
Well, like always at Nanny's house, Hannah waved goodbye, and she was off exploring. I told Steve, "It's almost like she doesn't need us..."
Steve and I made it to Guthrie, and got settled in at the B&B. We called my parents enough times to be really annoying I'm sure.
The next morning, Steve and I slept in. It was so strange not having Hannah there to wake us up. We were really missing her, so we left a little early to head back to my parents.
When we got their, Hannah was all smiles, and telling us all about staying at Nanny and Papa's. Mom said she slept fine during the night. Hannah was in a great mood, largely due to the fact that Nanny made homemade biscuits and Papa put lots of butter on it for her. Hannah has an obsession with biscuits and butter!
On the way home, we heard all about Amos and the chickens and the kitties and the horses... It was great! It was so nice to realize that she is at an age where we can leave for a little while. We also realized how nice it was for her to spend some long quality time with Nanny and Papa.
So, next year we will try to do it again. In the meantime, Steve and I have made an agreement to try to have a date night once a month, even if it's just dinner at Taco Bell!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

San Diego

Hi all! So, I know it's been awhile since we updated the blog. That's because I forgot our username and password...I know, it's typical!
Well, a lot has gone on since January. We recently took a trip to San Deigo, CA, which turned out less fun than we expected. Lets just say we ended up in the ER once, for Hannah's breathing problems, and once for my stomach issues. We did manage a short jaunt to Sea World. I'll post some of those pics. (Misty, I need the other pics!!!! :) ) Luckily, our condo was right on the beach, so Hannah got to enjoy playing in the sand with Steve and Misty. Thank God, Misty came with us. She was a huge help, while I was out of commision.

So, despite all of the set backs, Hannah did great on the plane and while on vacation. I was really suprised how well she traveled. All she talks about now is going "up" (on a plane) with Misty. I don't think she realizes that flying once a month is really not in the budget! ;)
Hope everyone is doing well and having a blessed spring!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I was going through some picture today while Hannah was napping. I was comparing picture from this time last year until now. Amazing the changes that she's gone through. Thought I would post a few. I stole this post idea from Tamara's page. Thanks girl!

December 2007 December 2008


I wanted to post and let everyone know that after almost a week of doctor and E.R. visits, one pediatrician finally got it right, and figured out what was wrong with Hannah. She has RSV. By the time we took her to the pediatrician, friends at work recommended him, she had been sick 6 days. We were told it was ear infections and an upper respiratory infection, by a family practitioner, a P.A., and an ER doc. She was given antibiotics, one of which made her throw up for three days before we figured out it was what was making her sick. Now she's on a new one, which is clearing up the ear infection. When I took her to the new pediatrician yesterday, he asked a few questions, listened to her chest for a few minutes, looked at me and said, "Yeah, she has RSV. She's wheezing like crazy!" He said if she were any younger he would put her in the hospital. They gave her a breathing treatment in the office, and right afterward, she was walking around exploring the office. She now has breathing treatments every four hours and is on 5 days of steriods (which make her a bear!) We've only done the treatments since yesterday, and already it's like she's a brand new kiddo. You can tell she feels better.
When the new doctor told me what was wrong, I started crying. I was so frusterated, because for a week, doctors have been making me think I was crazy, even though Steve and I knew something was wrong!
So, we will be in the house probably another week, until her breathing gets better. We go back to the doctor tomorrow, to see if her breathing is better. If it is we will get to reduce the number of breathing treatments. So, if we miss seeing everyone at events and stuff this next week, this is why!
Thank God for this doctor. And next time I'll remember that when Steve and I think something is wrong, something is WRONG!